Friday, September 30, 2016

141+ Profitable Kindle Book Niches

Selecting the right topic or niche for your Kindle 
book is important.
In fact, it's probably the single most important 
thing for you to understand and be good at than 
anything else.
Create a book in the wrong niche that there's no
market for it and nobody will buy it.  Zero sales.
Been there, done that.  It sucks.
What's worse is creating a book in a niche or 
market that is TOO COMPETITIVE.
Man, been there too... it can be a challenge to 
out-compete those books with a ton of Amazon 
reviews and get any attention for your Kindle 
You need to make sure you select the right topic 
or niche for your book... it has to be in what I 
call the "sweet spot".
The sweet spot is in a niche or market that has 
high demand, but not too much competition either.  
It's got a good balance of both.
Amazon is the top PAID search engine on the 
internet, people go there to SEARCH FOR and 
When people go to the Kindle Store to search 
for books, they type in specific keywords 
depending on what they are looking for.
For example...
"weight loss"
"paleo diet
"stock investing"
These are examples of keywords that people 
are searching for on Amazon and looking for 
Kindle books on.
If you can create a Kindle book and have it 
show at the top of the search results for a 
keyword that a lot of people are searching
 for, you've struck gold.
Once your book is at the top, it will get more 
views than any other book for that keyword 
and get tons of sales as a result.  
Successfully ranking Kindle books at the top 
of the list of Amazon keyword phrases is my 
SECRET to making a small fortunate from 
each of my books.
Now, you may be thinking... 
"But Stefan, I have no idea what to even 
create a Kindle book on.  I don't know what's 
profitable or has too much competition... and 
I don't have any good ideas for books."
I created a report called "141 Profitable Kindle 
Book Niches" that I wrote for my  "inner-circle" 
This exclusive report has a list of profitable, 
money-making book niche ideas and keywords 
that you can easily create your own Kindle books 
on.  I've already done most of the research for 
you. :-)
So tell you what...
If you sign-up for K Money Master, I'll give you 
a copy of this exclusive report - for free.
Just forward me your receipt as proof of purchase.
First, get K Money Mastery here right now:
Forward your receipt to:
Make the subject line say, "I'm in!"
Once we confirm your purchase, we'll send
you the bonus report to help give you a head
start over everyone else.
Stefan "Profitable Niche Finder" James
P.S. There are some quality softwares that I 
highly recommend that can also help you to 
do research for your Kindle books.
They aren't required (I show you how to do the 
research without them in K Money Mastery),
but they can help you speed up the process.
I use them both all the time and it helps me 
analyze a niche and keywords, making sure I 
select the best one that will make me the most 
I share a little bit more on them in the bonus
report that you'll be getting and how you can

starting using them.

A FREE blogging video training session for you


Starting a blog can definitely help you to make extra part-time income, but you need to know exactly what type of content to post on your blog.

This is why I've prepared a video training session below for FREE; you can use it to discover the 5 main types of blog content to post:

Knowing this will accelerate the process of creating your very own profitable blog without any guesswork!

Please note that you're NOT ALLOWED to share - it's only for you.

The catch?

The video below will be removed in 5 days.

Watch this video training session now for free

Take care,

- Patric

p.s. Go here to watch the "5 Types of Blog Content", while it's still free, and before I start charging for it.

Claim Your Free Traffic or Cash Bonus Now

It's new, it's hot and it's faster traffic than you can handle! This is Road Runner Hits, the newest edition of The Hurricane Network and it is LOADED with free traffic!

Simply promote 1 link and earn credits at 15 different websites including 10 banner exchanges, 3 text ad exchanges and even a couple safelists while building your downlines in all of them and more! This is going to explode your traffic like there is no tomorrow, check it out and get on board the Road Runner Now.

Claim a Free Bonus Now!

See you there,

What to Sell and Where to Sell It - Quick Start Guide

Hi Vlad,
One of the best things about selling products online is that the costs to get started are minimal.
However, if you're like a lot of our readers, you'll be on a shoestring budget.

Even if you're drop shipping, you'll still need a little cash to get your business up and running. There's one very easy way to make some quick cash to kick-start your business and in my experience, most people easily make $500 or more using this simple little method. If you need cash to get started, find out what to do here.

Kind regards,

Marc Ransom
Community Manager

SaleHoo Group Limited

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Permanently Restore Your Hearing In Just Three Weeks

Hey vlad....

Thousands of people all around the world (over 33,477 so far) are trading in their hearing devices for crystal clear hearing!

Finally! The natural solution to reverse your hearing loss that you've been waiting for!

Imagine waking up in the morning and hearing the birds chirping and singing as crystal clear as you've ever heard them... No hearing aid... just you and your naked ears listening to the beautiful sound of nature...

So how is this possible?

It's all about repairing and strengthening the "hair cells" in your cochlea (the snail-shaped structure in the inner ear).

Follow the link below to find out more about the natural (scientifically supported) solution to repair your inner ear damage and deterioration so you can hear clearly once again!

>> Go Here Now To Fix Your Hearing Forever! <<

Jenny Lewis,
Your stay-at-home mama

Four Common Drop Shipping Hoaxes

Hi Vlad,

Imagine this: You've just made your first ever sale on eBay. Your price was great and your listing was irresistible. You place your order with your new supplier. Maybe you even use your earnings to go out for a celebration dinner. You're thrilled!

But then, it all suddenly goes wrong when your supplier never contacts you... and never sends anything out to your buyer, even though you paid them for it. You've got to pay your buyer back, and they're threatening to leave bad feedback on your eBay account. You've just been scammed, and boy it stinks.

What went wrong? How did this happen? You've gone from ethereal high to abysmal low almost instantly. Today I'll show you how to spot and avoid the most common types of drop shipping hoaxes. Don't be the punchline in a cautionary tale! Learn to defend yourself against fraudulent phonies today.

Kind regards,

Marc Ransom
Community Manager

SaleHoo Group Limited

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

This Strategy Rakes in over $8k/mo with 100+ Kindle Books I Didn’t Write!

Hey, Stefan here again.
Did you get a chance to check out the free video
presentation that I shared with you the other day?
If not, make sure to watch it now... I'm revealing
some pretty powerful stuff that can really change
your life.
I may be taking it down soon, so make sure to
watch it while you can.
Believe it or not, but I'm not a writer.
Let me tell you a quick story...
I've only ever told this to a few people.  It's kinda 
embarrassing.  But I guess there was a happy 
I'm born English speaking.  I can't speak any other 
languages really (sometimes I feel the same way 
about English).
I've traveled to many countries around the world, 
but just never have been able to grasp another 
I'm what they call a "slow learner".  You'll see.
Throughout school I SUCKED at written English.  
I was told that I have a "learning difficulty".
So early on in my school life (was barely out the 
gate) I was forced to join the "special needs group".  
This is where they make you feel like an outcast 
and give you specialized attention to make sure 
you don't fall behind.  It basically meant that you 
were one of the dumb kids... or at least that's 
what it felt like.
I don't remember the details, but I guess they 
thought I just wasn't on the same "level" as my 
Apparently I had dyslexia... that what the 
teachers told my mom.
I couldn't spell for shit (nothing has changed 
there btw).  I battled to read.  As a result, I 
scraped through my exams each year by the skin 
of my teeth throughout high school.  If you fail 
English, you fail the year.  Period.
I remember regularly getting 0/20 for spelling 
The teacher thought I was screwing around.  No 
one could possibly be that bad.  I was.  Even 
though I was honestly trying.  The words just 
don't "form" in my mind.  They still don't.
Now here I am... what feels like a lifetime later,
an online marketer and entrepreneur that has 
published over 100 Kindle books that I didn't 
even write and are making me a nice fortune.
The secret is that I discovered an awesome 
strategy that allows me to hire writers and 
outsource my Kindle books inexpensively.
I've found a company that I work with that 
writes ALL of my books, and they do a damn 
good job.  I've spent as low as $22.50 to get
a Kindle book made and no more than $75 
These books are anywhere from 20-30 pages 
long and I sell them for only $2.99.
Amazon then pays me a 70% royalty for 
every sale made, which is  around $2.08 in my 
pocket.  These short books will sell anywhere
from 25 to 100 copies per month, sometimes 
That means that my small investment of $22.50 
(or up to $75) will make me a new passive 
income of $50 to $200 per month consistently.
Not bad, right?
You might be thinking... 
"I bet these books SUCK!"
These are all high quality books with valuable 
information that actually helps the consumer.  In 
fact, if someone doesn't like my Kindle book they 
can easily post a negative review on Amazon.
Negative reviews suck... they will kill all book 
sales.  That's why I stay away from publishing 
crappy books that don't add any value.
So where do you find these writers?
There's many of companies out there that can do 
this for you, but the ones that I personally use and 
recommend to my customers is found here:
I only share who I personally use with the members 
of my Kindle publishing program, K Money Mastery,
as I don't want the entire world to know about them.  
They're already busy enough with writing my books 
and my members, and I prefer to keep it that way.
The reason why I'm able to find and hire writers so
inexpensively is because they are overseas, where
your money goes a long way.
Even though they are overseas, they are still native
English speaking writers and have studied English
and writing in their universities.  In fact, they can
write better than you and I.
By working with a team of high quality writers that 
can do all the research and write books on virtually 
ANY TOPIC that I want is what has allowed me to 
pump out so many Kindle books in a short period 
of time...
... and they can easily do the same for you too.
It's called working smarter, not harder.
By the way, you CAN write your own books too if 
you want... but I don't recommend it unless you 
really enjoy writing.  
I forced myself to write several of my own Kindle 
books myself and it was fun, but not the best 
investment of my time.  The amount of time it took 
me to write my own Kindle book I could've 
outsourced and published 10 that would make me 
so much more money.
BUT... I don't want to discourage you from 
writing yourself.  
If you want to write yourself, be my guest.  But I 
just want you to know that writing isn't necessary 
to be successful making money from Kindle.
It also isn't necessary for you to be located in the
United States to publish Kindle books.  You can
live ANYWHERE in the world and make money
from Kindle.  
For example, I live in Canada, and many of the
members of K Money Mastery live in Europe,
South America, Asia, Australia and all over.
So there's nothing holding you back... let's get
started publishing Kindle books!
Stefan "Kindler" James
P.S. The other day I discovered a new marketing 
strategy that I've been "testing out" on one of 
my Kindle books.
I mean, this is something else.  Nothing to do with 
what you'll read in any "Kindle publishing" guide.
The results were nuts.  I think it was a fluke.  I 
need to test this stuff out a bit more before I can 
tell ya much more.
For the record - see attached of the results I got 

from this experiment. :-)

[nrn] milestone at 500,000

Howdy from Sunny Houston Texas.

I put [nrn] in the subject as there is "no response needed"

I get it... life is busy

work, life, kids, spouse, health, faith....

So wanted to give you a quick email on my own update 
to help you DREAM... or KEEP your current dreams ALIVE

I hit a milestone for our social media properties on Facebook and Instagram

503,521 Follower/Fan Totals
Instagram + Facebook
And wanted to thank you for being a fan and newsletter reader.
Building these properties out while having a job, keeping a happy wife, and playing with kids...

It's hard.
I'm not going to sugar coat it... but what in life is easy?

It takes time, perseverance (so start today)

You can call today "Hump Day"... or you can change the thoughts that drive your actions

and make TODAY the day you work on your dreams DAILY.

Owning my business has been the best decision I could have made back in 2009.

It helped me retired in 2012 (my wife from accounting and myself from engineering)

Enjoy the learning curve and get to work.

Thanks and see ya on the next email.

Engineering Your Success,
Lawrence Tam

Retired Engineer Since 2012 (at the age of 33)
Facebook me  

PS. If you need more traffic, more leads, need a funnel built... I'm your man ;) (email us)

Can This Long Forgotten Navajo Remedy Restore Your Hearing Too?

Hey vlad....

You may find this Shocking, but recently, a retired
Aerospace Engineer with Navajo heritage found an old recipe
that was given to his great grandmother many years ago.

The recipe belonged to a Navajo Medicine Man (or Hatalii)
and it was a remedy that repairs hearing loss.

The engineer gave his wife and mother the remedy and within
three weeks had ASTONISHING Results!

So far, over 33,477 people from all around the world with a
vast variety of hearing issues have drastically improved
their hearing with the remedy.

The feedback has been incredible!

Follow the link below to find out how you can have pristine
clear (and lasting) hearing in just a few weeks.

>> Go Here Now To Fix Your Hearing Forever! <<

Jenny Lewis,
Your stay-at-home mama

This is Road Runner Hits!!

 It's new, it's hot and it's faster traffic than you can handle! This is Road Runner Hits, the newest edition of The Hurricane Network and it is LOADED with free traffic!

Simply promote 1 link and earn credits at 15 different websites including 10 banner exchanges, 3 text ad exchanges and even a couple safelists while building your downlines in all of them and more! This is going to explode your traffic like there is no tomorrow, check it out and get on board the Road Runner Now.

Click Here to Join Now

To make money online, all you need are these 3 things...


Did you know that to make money online, the only things you need are:

1. A website
2. Methods to monetize your website
3. Lots of traffic to your site to grab your offer
And there are already ready-made platforms waiting for you to leverage?

The most widely used platform for creating a website, and the easiest to get started with, is...


Learn how you can start using it to build your own online business and make money every month:


- Patric

A Clickbank super affiliate wants to work *FOR* you

What if you can clone a Clickbank super affiliate's entire affiliate marketing system?
Here's how it works...

You can now make passive income from Clickbank easily. Plus, make multiple affiliate commissions on autopilot following this system:

Talk soon,

Patric Chan
Founder, CB Passive Income

P.S. You could literally license my entire affiliate marketing system without paying any loyalty or license fee.

Make sure to check it out at:

5 Products Buyers are Crying Out For

Hi Vlad,
Did you know that buyers are crying out for footwear? That's why online shoe stores such as Zappos are making an absolute killing.

Selling shoes using the drop shipping method is even better. Think about it: When you drop ship shoes, you don't have to stock thousands of pairs in order to have each size in every color variation for your buyers.

When you drop ship, you only buy what you've already sold!

Today, I'll uncover 4 other profitable dropship products, the criteria for choosing your own product and give you some great examples of items you need in your inventory.

Kind regards,

Marc Ransom
Community Manager

SaleHoo Group Limited

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

3 Facebook Marketing Mistakes [Blog Post]


If your business doesn't have a Facebook presence yet, then you're missing the boat.

After all, there's a good chance that much of your target market is already hanging out on Facebook and logging in multiple times a day.

So why not get your content in front of them?


Facebook is a little different than many of the other communication channels you use.

And that means a whole lot of marketers make the following three mistakes once they start engaging their marketing on social media.

Check it out - are you making these mistakes too?

Read the latest blog post to find out...

Warm regards,

Patric Chan
Founder, OperationQuickMoney Training 

Secrets of creating a profitable blog...


Did you know that:

*People are actively seeking blogs to search for information?

*A blog can be turned into a money-churning machine?

*Advertisers are always on the lookout for popular blogs?

Here's the good news...

You can follow this step-by-step blueprint of creating a profitable blog because you'll discover how to get free traffic to it...

Finally, you can create a long-term online income.

Get this blueprint now...

This blueprint, in the right hands and with the right actions taken, is almost guaranteed to generate results beyond any ink of imagination you can have...


Patric Chan

P.S: You can do this regardless of without much experience, many skills or very much knowledge.

Click here to real the full details...

Why Drop Shipping is Perfect for Newbies

Hi Vlad,

If you've ever thought about selling physical products online, you're probably aware that the cost associated with buying bulk lots can be daunting. Well, there's another option if you want to sell online.

 This one involves minimal upfront investment, but when it comes to the payoff, the sky's the limit.

In this newsletter I want to introduce you to drop shipping, how it works and why it is the ultimate option for newbie sellers.

Kind regards,

Marc Ransom
Community Manager

SaleHoo Group Limited



I have some really fantastic news!

Marty Petrizza has just launched her new site Mail-Hog.

Not only is it going to be a great credit mailer and opportunity for you to advertise your great offers, but it is also home of the new POWER MAILER.

What is the POWER MAILER you ask?

Well it connects all her great sites

email-hog, guaranteedmails, guaranteedsolomails, hotwebsitetraffic, website-traffic-hog, boomingwebsitetraffic, lazerhits, trafficboostermailer, viraladmagnet, easypeasymailer, and the new Mail-hog with the ability to mail to all from one template.

It also provides you with 1 to 4 tokens depending upon your upgrade that each token gives 500 credits at each site and 250 tokens at easypeasymailer.

That alone is a huge value and ALL upgraded members get the POWERMAILER!

This is an opportunity to really get your marketing and results moving with time saved and super advertising value!

Join Now and take advantage of HUGE SAVINGS with Launch Specials!


Monday, September 26, 2016

You Wanna Make Money Online? [free video - keep this private]

Hey, welcome to "my world".
Most days I get to do whatever the heck I 
I literally get to wake up and spend the day 
however I feel fit.
No job.  No boss.  Heck, I don't even own a 
suit and tie.
I know what it "feels" like to be totally free 
and to be able to do what I want, whenever I 
But it wasn't always this way for me.
Hell no.
Rewind a few years ago and I was ... err ... 
totally broke and in debt, slaving over a job 
that I hated.
I dreaded waking up in the morning as I'd be 
forced to face the reality that my life was in 
the "financial shitter" (excuse my language).
But oh how things have changed! ;-)
Let me ask you this...
How many online marketers have you seen 
that are making six figures without any formal 
No degree... no MBA... just a high school 
Yet they make boatloads of cash with the 
freedom to travel the world and do whatever 
the hell they want, living the "4 hour work 
Hint: It ain't because they're just "lucky".
In fact, it is said that there are going to be 
MORE millionaires made in the next 10 years 
than the last 100 years combined... 
... all because of the INTERNET!
The internet is making people rich... and it can
make you rich too if you recognize this golden 
opportunity and take advantage of it.
Just over a year ago I discovered a secret 
method for making money online.  It was the 
catalyst... the thing that was almost solely 
responsible for making me over $100,000 in 
passive income last year on autopilot.
That secret method: Kindle publishing.
Out of all the "methods" that I experimented
with for years in my attempts to making
money online, I can tell you one thing:
There is NOTHING like Kindle publishing.
Kindle publishing is by far the fastest, easiest
and most newbie-friendly way to making
money online today.
All you have to do is publish a Kindle book
on Amazon, do a little marketing, and then
you get paid a 70% royalty for every sale
that your book generates.
Pure passive income.  The only time that is
spent is up front, but after that, it's "set it and 
forget it".
Simple enough, right?
"But I'm not a good writer", is what you
might be thinking.
Well guess what... neither am I! (more on that
in another e-mail).
What if I told you that I found a way to find
and hire writers that can inexpensively write
my books for me?
In fact... what if I told you that I found a way
to outsource and automate 95% of the entire
Well I have. :-)
And you're in luck... because I'm going to be
sharing with you an exclusive, private video
presentation that I did on my entire Kindle
publishing method.
I'm holding nothing back here.  I'm revealing
to you step-by-step how I published over 100+
Kindle books that generated me over $100,000
and can work for you too.
Make sure that you do NOT share this with
anyone.  I'm revealing a lot here and only want
it in the hands of people that are part of our
little community. 
From what you'll see from the video presentation,
this system WORKS!
It has given me the freedom to travel the world 
and do almost whatever the heck I want, while 
only being required to work a few hours a week.
In fact, I'm writing this e-mail to you from Bali, 
Indonesia right now in my private luxury villa.
I get to drink from coconuts, get massages and 
surf all day, while money gets deposited into 
my bank account every single month from my 
Kindle books.
It's the 4 hour work week lifestyle... I kid you 
And it all started with what I learned and now 
do HERE:
Stefan "Kindle Publisher" James
Btw - there is an awesome strategy I learned 
that has allowed me to publish over 100 Kindle 
books that I didn't even write VERY 
And no, it doesn't involve using private label 
books or doing anything that is fishy...
All of the books are high quality and really
help people too, which is the most important
Anyone can do it.
The result: each Kindle book makes me 
anywhere from $50 to $200 per month on 
autopilot... without me even lifting a finger.
Will tell you about this amazing strategy later.
Do yourself a favour - watch that video today.  
Here it is again:
P.S. If you're ready to get started making 
money from Kindle publishing, then you'll 
want to make sure to watch this video that 
reveals my entire step-by-step method that 
will walk you through exactly how to do it 
in my complete video course.
It's called K Money Mastery and it's helped
hundreds of people make passive income

Watch These 4 Powerful Blogging Video Trainings!

Congratulations for successfully requesting The 4 Powerful Blogging Video Trainings!

Here are the videos:

Video Training #1: Case Study - Viral Content that Attracts Millions of Monthly Visitors

Video Training #2: Using SlideShare to Get Traffic and Leads to Your Blog

Video Training #3: How to Setup Newsletter Signup on Your Blog

Video Training #4: How to Improve the Load Time on Your Blog For Speed

Click Here To Access All of The Videos for Free Now


Patric Chan

P.S: If you have not yet gotten the Blogging Guru yet, click here

Can you upload a picture from your mobile?

Hey vlad....

I know it sounds weird...or simply crazy

But it's true.

Thousands of people all around the world are actually making
good money uploading pictures taken from their mobile.

You just need to know a lil secret on where to upload it so that
you can get paid for it.

It's all revealed here.

Sarah Wilson has already earned $1,855 last month uploading a
few pictures. She's a stay at home mom and this is just
extra cash she's very happy with...

Donald Wood from Otah just started uploading pictures last week
and he's earned a cool $350 from 4 pictures of his.

Now while these aren't crazy sums of money. It's very little effort.

Take a picture with your mobile.

Upload it to a secret website

Get paid.

It's that simple.

Learn how you can do it over here.

Jenny Lewis,
Your stay-at-home mama

How to make passive income from ClickBank?


I hope you've enjoyed the previous trainings I've shared with you - the Multiple Traffic Channel Video, the Ad Blend Video and also, the AI WebPage training.

By now, you have been introduced to ClickBank but to be frank, it can be hard to make money online with it because you're competing with thousands of affiliates.

But not anymore – you can now have a super affiliate from ClickBank to work FOR you!

Hundreds of his customers have made money with this system.

Start making passive income from Clickbank with this system today.

Talk soon,

Patric Chan
Founder, the CB Passive Income

P.S. With this system, you don't need to write or produce any content...

You don't need a website...

You don't need to send any emails at all...

You don't need to pay for hosting or autoresponder.

Heck, with this program, you don't need to do anything except for one simple task explained here:

This week's free training for you...


I hope you've got a great weekend! :)

For me, the days were spent well with my family at home...

Anyway, I've prepared 4 video trainings for you:

1. Case Study: Viral Content that Attracts Millions of Monthly Visitors
2. Using SlideShare to Get Traffic and Leads to Your Blog
3. How to Setup Newsletter Signup on Your Blog
4. How to Improve the Load Time on Your Blog For Speed

Warm regards,
- Patric Chan


Sunday, September 25, 2016

[YOUR VIDEO ACCESS] The Weird Loophole and an apology ...

Dear vlad,

As promised, this email contains your access to Discover a
Weird Loophole I used to make over $4,522 in a month from
home in my pajamas...

But before anything else, I'd like to say ...


I lied.

My highest income during my first year of doing it was
actually $1,500+ in an hour's time.

The one I mentioned above was only my first month's earning.

In fact, the only reason I did that was because I was afraid
you'd think it's too good to be true.

I mean, with bills, rent and other financial problems to
worry about, it's only natural to be skeptical of such

And I’m worried you may miss out on a REAL opportunity and I
don't want that to happen.  

I hope you understand.

Anyway ...

If you tried making any kind of money online, you probably
already know how much of it is B.S.

Like making money online scams ...

Data entry jobs at home which aren't any much different from
having a job you don't like ...

Or if you're really lucky, you may have also tried filling
out dozens of surveys in the hope you could make some extra

… And others more that have burned you in the past and
caused you to stop dreaming altogether for the good life.

This video that you requested will reveal all ...

>>> The Weird Loophole I used to make over $4,522 in a month <<<

Go and watch it by clicking on the link above.

... Oh and make sure you take notes especially at the 2
minute mark.

Your Work-at-Home Momma,
Jenny Lewis
Creator of the VOGenesis program

P.S.  Let me ask you a question ...

If you have the freedom to work WHERE you want, WHENEVER you

What would you do?

Where would you be?

Hit REPLY and let me know.

As for me ...

I spend it with my family and my loved ones.

I take spontaneous vacations whenever I feel like it.

That's my happiness.

What's yours?

Profitable Products to Sell Online

Hi Vlad,
I'm Marc Ransom, the Community Manager at SaleHoo and an eBay pioneer. As promised, below I have listed the details of four trusted suppliers and hot product markets. This is highly valuable information and I suggest you use it to your full advantage!
  • CKB Products Wholesale: Loads of wholesale/drop-ship bargains at 40-90% off the retail price. This seller offers everything from homeware to pet products, to toys and fashion accessories.
  • Plum Island Silver: A leading wholesale and drop-ship distributor of jewelry.
  • Petra Industries: A leader in consumer electronics and audio gadgets. And yes, they offer drop shipping!
  • Guangzhou Toys: More than 10 years working experience in inflatable lines, is one of the best inflatable bouncy castle suppliers in China.
(To protect our directory, you have 24 hours to access these suppliers. After that the links in this email will expire, so start browsing now!)
What products should you sell? 
In all my years spent helping new online retailers get their businesses up and running, I've come to realize that this is the million dollar question. Deciding what products to sell is absolutely one of the most important factors in creating a successful online retail business. I know you're eager to get started, so here are four markets that I have seen used time and time again, to create strong, successful businesses.
  • Fashion clothing: To really make this niche work for you, don't attempt to be the next big thing in online fashion retail. Go for sub-niches such as plus-size maternity wear, swimwear for kids, prom dresses, flower girl and page boy outfits and so on.
  • Baby gear: This is one of the most popular categories on the web. Moms, dads and grandparents love to jump online and spoil their young ones. First-time parents also throw a lot of money around when they find out they are pregnant by buying strollers, bassinets, clothing, feeding equipment, walking equipment and more.
  • Shoes and fashion accessories: If you're interested in drop shipping, shoes are a great way to go: When you drop ship shoes, you can offer hundreds of models in every size, without having to stock any. Retail giants such as Zappos and Shoebuy rake in sales every second in the day and have popularized buying shoes online.
  • Jewelry: This market can be competitive and price-driven, but it's also huge and there are still a lot of opportunities to cash in on. If you avoid this market, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table. Marketing opportunities on Facebook and Pinterest are affordable and will drive sales and help you build a loyal repeat customer base.
What next? 
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be in touch with expert knowledge and tips on how you can start a successful online retail business, whether on eBay, another marketplace or your own website. I'll also be revealing (a lot) more about the best products to sell, so stay tuned.
Kind regards,

Marc Ransom
Community Manager

SaleHoo Group Limited

3 Free Training Access


Congratulations for successfully requested the 3 video training!

The first video training is the Multiple Traffic Channel, you can access the video at:

if you like to download the PDF Transcript for free, download below:
The second trick, Ad Blend is now live too. You can access it at:
For the third trick, I decided not to use a video because I want to show you how it works, in real time. You can read how to use AI WebPage at:
Other than that, I'm excited to share with you that CB Passive Income 3.0 is now LIVE! This is going to be a game-changer for you to make money online on auto-pilot.
Go to:
Talk soon,
Patric Chan

Founder, CB Passive Income