Hey, Stefan here again.
Did you get a chance to check out the free video
presentation that I shared with you the other day?
If not, make sure to watch it now... I'm revealing
some pretty powerful stuff that can really change
your life.
I may be taking it down soon, so make sure to
watch it while you can.
Believe it or not, but I'm not a writer.
Let me tell you a quick story...
I've only ever told this to a few people. It's kinda
embarrassing. But I guess there was a happy
I'm born English speaking. I can't speak any other
languages really (sometimes I feel the same way
about English).
I've traveled to many countries around the world,
but just never have been able to grasp another
I'm what they call a "slow learner". You'll see.
Throughout school I SUCKED at written English.
I was told that I have a "learning difficulty".
So early on in my school life (was barely out the
gate) I was forced to join the "special needs group".
This is where they make you feel like an outcast
and give you specialized attention to make sure
you don't fall behind. It basically meant that you
were one of the dumb kids... or at least that's
what it felt like.
I don't remember the details, but I guess they
thought I just wasn't on the same "level" as my
Apparently I had dyslexia... that what the
teachers told my mom.
I couldn't spell for shit (nothing has changed
there btw). I battled to read. As a result, I
scraped through my exams each year by the skin
of my teeth throughout high school. If you fail
English, you fail the year. Period.
I remember regularly getting 0/20 for spelling
The teacher thought I was screwing around. No
one could possibly be that bad. I was. Even
though I was honestly trying. The words just
don't "form" in my mind. They still don't.
Now here I am... what feels like a lifetime later,
an online marketer and entrepreneur that has
published over 100 Kindle books that I didn't
even write and are making me a nice fortune.
The secret is that I discovered an awesome
strategy that allows me to hire writers and
outsource my Kindle books inexpensively.
I've found a company that I work with that
writes ALL of my books, and they do a damn
good job. I've spent as low as $22.50 to get
a Kindle book made and no more than $75
These books are anywhere from 20-30 pages
long and I sell them for only $2.99.
Amazon then pays me a 70% royalty for
every sale made, which is around $2.08 in my
pocket. These short books will sell anywhere
from 25 to 100 copies per month, sometimes
That means that my small investment of $22.50
(or up to $75) will make me a new passive
income of $50 to $200 per month consistently.
Not bad, right?
You might be thinking...
"I bet these books SUCK!"
These are all high quality books with valuable
information that actually helps the consumer. In
fact, if someone doesn't like my Kindle book they
can easily post a negative review on Amazon.
Negative reviews suck... they will kill all book
sales. That's why I stay away from publishing
crappy books that don't add any value.
So where do you find these writers?
There's many of companies out there that can do
this for you, but the ones that I personally use and
recommend to my customers is found here:
I only share who I personally use with the members
of my Kindle publishing program, K Money Mastery,
as I don't want the entire world to know about them.
They're already busy enough with writing my books
and my members, and I prefer to keep it that way.
The reason why I'm able to find and hire writers so
inexpensively is because they are overseas, where
your money goes a long way.
Even though they are overseas, they are still native
English speaking writers and have studied English
and writing in their universities. In fact, they can
write better than you and I.
By working with a team of high quality writers that
can do all the research and write books on virtually
ANY TOPIC that I want is what has allowed me to
pump out so many Kindle books in a short period
of time...
... and they can easily do the same for you too.
It's called working smarter, not harder.
By the way, you CAN write your own books too if
you want... but I don't recommend it unless you
really enjoy writing.
I forced myself to write several of my own Kindle
books myself and it was fun, but not the best
investment of my time. The amount of time it took
me to write my own Kindle book I could've
outsourced and published 10 that would make me
so much more money.
BUT... I don't want to discourage you from
writing yourself.
If you want to write yourself, be my guest. But I
just want you to know that writing isn't necessary
to be successful making money from Kindle.
It also isn't necessary for you to be located in the
United States to publish Kindle books. You can
live ANYWHERE in the world and make money
from Kindle.
For example, I live in Canada, and many of the
members of K Money Mastery live in Europe,
South America, Asia, Australia and all over.
So there's nothing holding you back... let's get
started publishing Kindle books!
Stefan "Kindler" James
P.S. The other day I discovered a new marketing
strategy that I've been "testing out" on one of
my Kindle books.
I mean, this is something else. Nothing to do with
what you'll read in any "Kindle publishing" guide.
The results were nuts. I think it was a fluke. I
need to test this stuff out a bit more before I can
tell ya much more.
For the record - see attached of the results I got
from this experiment. :-)
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