Selecting the right topic or niche for your Kindle
book is important.
In fact, it's probably the single most important
thing for you to understand and be good at than
anything else.
Create a book in the wrong niche that there's no
market for it and nobody will buy it. Zero sales.
Been there, done that. It sucks.
What's worse is creating a book in a niche or
market that is TOO COMPETITIVE.
Man, been there too... it can be a challenge to
out-compete those books with a ton of Amazon
reviews and get any attention for your Kindle
You need to make sure you select the right topic
or niche for your book... it has to be in what I
call the "sweet spot".
The sweet spot is in a niche or market that has
high demand, but not too much competition either.
It's got a good balance of both.
Amazon is the top PAID search engine on the
internet, people go there to SEARCH FOR and
When people go to the Kindle Store to search
for books, they type in specific keywords
depending on what they are looking for.
For example...
"weight loss"
"paleo diet
"stock investing"
These are examples of keywords that people
are searching for on Amazon and looking for
Kindle books on.
If you can create a Kindle book and have it
show at the top of the search results for a
keyword that a lot of people are searching
for, you've struck gold.
Once your book is at the top, it will get more
views than any other book for that keyword
and get tons of sales as a result.
Successfully ranking Kindle books at the top
of the list of Amazon keyword phrases is my
SECRET to making a small fortunate from
each of my books.
Now, you may be thinking...
"But Stefan, I have no idea what to even
create a Kindle book on. I don't know what's
profitable or has too much competition... and
I don't have any good ideas for books."
I created a report called "141 Profitable Kindle
Book Niches" that I wrote for my "inner-circle"
This exclusive report has a list of profitable,
money-making book niche ideas and keywords
that you can easily create your own Kindle books
on. I've already done most of the research for
you. :-)
So tell you what...
If you sign-up for K Money Master, I'll give you
a copy of this exclusive report - for free.
Just forward me your receipt as proof of purchase.
First, get K Money Mastery here right now:
Forward your receipt to:
Make the subject line say, "I'm in!"
Once we confirm your purchase, we'll send
you the bonus report to help give you a head
start over everyone else.
Stefan "Profitable Niche Finder" James
P.S. There are some quality softwares that I
highly recommend that can also help you to
do research for your Kindle books.
They aren't required (I show you how to do the
research without them in K Money Mastery),
but they can help you speed up the process.
I use them both all the time and it helps me
analyze a niche and keywords, making sure I
select the best one that will make me the most
I share a little bit more on them in the bonus
report that you'll be getting and how you can
starting using them.
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