Let me tell you about Bob.
Bob is a multi-millionaire. He is very successful
and has everything he's always dreamed of.
Beautiful mansion? Yup.
Lamborghini? Yup.
Beautiful wife and kids? Of course.
Bob wasn't always rich and successful. Nope.
In fact, he used to STRUGGLE.
But it wasn't until one day that he decided to
change his life financially.
He finally had ENOUGH and decided to start
his own business.
Bob worked day and night building his business.
It wasn't easy... it took a lot of hard work and he
had to make a lot of sacrifices (something we all
have to do to get ahead).
He desperately wanted to become rich... and sure
enough, after years of hard work and sacrifice,
he became a multi-millionaire.
Bob was ecstatic. He had finally become rich
and could now have everything he ever wanted.
BUT... there was only one problem.
While Bob was a multi-millionaire and had made
all of this money, he was actually MISERABLE.
Because Bob realized he had no FREEDOM.
In fact, Bob's life was total chaos.
He was working 7 days a week and working
nearly 12 hours a day... every day!
He was totally stressed and overwhelmed.
"I'm making all of this money and have all of
these nice things that I've always wanted... but
I have NO TIME to enjoy them!", is what Bob
While Bob's bank account grew, the other
areas of his life dwindled.
His relationship with his wife and kids were
rocky. He hardly had any time to spend with
His body was suffering. He gained so much
weight and had no time to exercise or take
care of his Temple.
Emotionally, the stress was killing him.
In fact, the doctor said to him he needs to
take time off from his business and work,
otherwise he might have a heart attack.
Bob couldn't though. He was a slave to his
business. His business depended on him
and if he took any time away from it, then it
would die.
On the surface, you might of thought,
"Bob has a great life... I want to be like Bob!"
But the truth is, Bob doesn't even want his
life anymore.
In fact, Bob said to me one day... "Stefan,
I would give it ALL UP today if I could
have what you have: Freedom."
You see, you can't put a price on freedom.
What good is all of the money in the world,
if you don't have the freedom to enjoy it?
Most people think, "I'm going to start a
business so that I can have more free time!"
HAH... that is like saying, "I'm going to
HAH... that is like saying, "I'm going to
have a baby so I can have more free time."
Just doesn't work that way... unless you
choose the right business vehicle and focus
on making passive income instead.
The same thing applies not only to a
business, but also to a job.
People spend YEARS going to college or
university, sacrificing their time and money
so that they can one day get a job.
At this job, you work 8 hours a day, slaving
towards building someone else's dream.
There is nothing wrong with that, if that is
something that you love and are passionate
about... but most people aren't.
Most people HATE their jobs.
Most people are SLAVES to their job.
They hardly have any freedom.
They don't have the ability to travel or do
whatever it is they want with their lives...
They believe ONE DAY they will, when
they finally retire.
Hey, I'm not ragging on you... I have been
there too.
But I was fortunate to have come to the
conclusion at a young age that it wasn't the
path for me.
I wanted MORE for my life and I never
wanted to spend a third of my life doing
something that I hated.
That's why I got into making money
online and passive income streams.
I realized that FREEDOM was more
important than money.
Making money is great... don't get me
wrong. But FREEDOM is much more
And most people are going about it
backwards. They are trying to get RICH
first... which is a terrible idea. If you do
that, then you'll end up like Bob.
Instead, you want to focus on getting
FREE first, then become rich.
That is what this video blog is on today.
This mentality is what has allowed me
to do so much with my life at my age.
I've been able to travel the world, work
on multiple projects and have balance
in my life because I'm not slaving
away at a job for 8 hours per day.
I definitely wouldn't have the health
and fitness I have if it wasn't for the
freedom I've created in my life.
I definitely wouldn't have the amazing
relationship I have today if it wasn't
for the freedom I have to focus on it
The same goes for my emotional
well-being, friends, family and spiritual
It's all because of FREEDOM.
I hope this helps you move forward and
take some action towards creating the
freedom you deserve in your life.
All the best,
Stefan "Freedom Facilitator" James
ago was called "Cashflow Quadrant"
by Robert Kiyosaki.
In it, he shares how most people are
stuck in the RAT RACE.
They're living pay-check to pay-check
in a job that they hate.
But, there's a way out of the rat trap.
I'll be sharing with you how to escape
it in my next e-mail.
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